the opportunity is always there. we're surrounded by an endless supply of it. it's up to you to take it. i try and update as much as possible so i am always on the look out for content. which means i try to carry my camera with me everywhere i go because you never know what you come across. one of the worst feelings is stumbling across something dope and you just don't have your camera with you. yea, you got your phone but let's be honest, it isn't the same. i'm not sure if anyone else is like this but my eyes have become more than just eyes. it's my built-in viewfinder. i'm constantly stopping in my footsteps to dial in the view and see if it's a good time and place to snap a shot. sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. but at least i have my camera with me if it is. i took this photo at the jack london amtrak station in oakland one night. i had 10 minutes or so before my fiance came to pick me up so i decided to run off and wander and i found this. 10 minutes, and this. what's your excuse?