First Order Of Business

As soon as we landed in Tokyo, our first stop was to the mobile center to pick up our Pocket Wi-fi devices. Apparently, these little guys are our lifelines as U.S. phone service will barely work and if it did, prepare to go back home to a very heavy bill due to international roaming charges. Although we were told that we would need these things mainly for looking for directions, it was pretty hard considering we don't read Japanese as all the directions and shops that pull up on Google Maps were in Japanese. So I would say about 8% of this device was used for directions and 92% went towards Instagram. 


Early Bird Gets The Worm

Like the saying goes, we were out in the break of morning. With our schedules completely flip-flopped from U.S. time, we found it hard to sleep in. We would wake up at 4am and so we decided to waste no time. Tokyo is known to be a very fast paced and busy place but when you catch it this early in the morning, you would be sure to find the streets almost empty. It's crazy how early these people start off their days. Even at 5am we came across handful of cars and tons of people already starting off their day. Tokyo is referred to the New York of Japan so much like New York, the residents rely much on the subway system. You can literally access any part of Tokyo and surrounding cities by public transit and it was fairly easy even for us non-natives. It was definitely an experience to be able to witness Tokyo at it's busiest and Tokyo as it rested.
