this past weekend was our creative morning talk "coffee with the killers" that we put together with general assembly san francisco. general assembly was nice enough to reach out to us with and welcome us onto their campus and allow us the opportunity to use their space to host an event. at first, i was pretty skeptical about doing this event. i honestly didn't know where to begin as I have never taught a class before nor did I think anyone would even show up. as time passed, i gave it some more thought and decided to just go through with it. it's an opportunity worth trying. a challenge, yes. i wanted to put together a morning talk with a few of the members of the Mighty Killers Explore squad with the intent to inspire and motivate, that was the goal. as soon as the announcement went live for the event, the numbers for the sign up list left me speechless. when i was thinking, "okay, hopefully we get at least 10-20 people in there, that would be amazing."  we ended with over 100 people signed up and the turn out was just amazing. as nerve-wracking as it was to be up in front of a crowd that big was death to me. i hate public speaking. writing is so much easier, i can backspace and re-type.. as many times as i want. when you're live in front of an audience, when you fuck up, they all see it. but as soon as we kicked things off, i felt way more at ease for the fact that I was up there speaking from experience and my heart. these people are here to learn about the brand. a brand that i know better than anybody else because i started it. how can i mess that up?

i couldn't be more proud of my team up there. it was amazing to see them share their passion and their experiences. even though i was on the panel sitting up front, i was too a student, learning. overall, this was a huge step forward and definitely an experience i would remember forever. getting to shake hands with all these people after the talk was crazy. knowing that we all were able to inspire these guys individually in so many different ways brings me to a whole new level of feeling accomplished in what i set out to do. truly a blessing. thank you all who came out.

Photo contributed by: Andy To

Photo contributed by: Andy To