everyone needs to take time off to recalibrate.
regardless if we ain’t talked in a minute; i still want all my homies to win.
i never fully grasped the severity of wild fires until i started experiencing the aftermath. growing up in the midwest, i never had to experience it; but in the last 2-3 years there’s been a crazy amount of them and they’ve affected my everyday life. and it wasn’t even until i was flyin to LA last year where i saw all the california wildfires from above. that really put shit into perspective at just how heavy all this is. it’s either i never really paid attention to the wild fires bc i don’t remember it being this bad and i’ve been out here in California for 10+ years now.. or these wild fires have really gotten out of hand in the last 3 years and if that’s the case, that’s pretty fuckin scary.
y’all ever think to yourselves, “man, this world is fucked.”
embrace change. always and forever.
“nothing makes any sense; so we try to make some sense of it.”
i grew up w the mentality that i am a man. that i have the strength to overcome and conquer all despite the obstacles. to acknowledge my emotions but never to let it interfere w taking care of mine. to embrace change and to never blame. to keep movin fuckin forward. onward; and upward.
sometimes i like to get super high and just listen to music in the dark. it’s a good way to just get out of my head and to break away for a bit from a mind that has constantly got its gears goin.
“it’s okay to care what people think; just don’t let what people think define you.”
my son is 13… i’m now realizing that i am raising a teenager. raising my 4 y-o daughter isn’t so hard as i’ve got experience w my son but yo… this teenager thing is a completely fuckin nu thing. it’s like taking on a nu career path. i know what i need to do; but i have no fuckin clue what i’m doin as i do it.
constantly trying to mold myself into the person that i wish to be. in a world that’s forever changing; this can be a v heavy task.
as a person; i’ve changed so fuckin much in the last 15 years of my life. it’s crazy..
everyone has their ups and downs. it doesn’t make you any less and it doesn’t make you any better. it just makes you; you.
persistence and perseverance is the hardest things to teach. i honestly don’t know if it’s even something that can be taught.. maybe it’s just something that has to be learned by oneself… bc the motivation to push and push and push and to not give up even after multiple failures is decided by oneself. being able to determine and acknowledge what’s worth fighting for can only be decided by you. someone else telling you just doesn’t seem to work. so it’s a fuckin circle.. bc i am determined to teach my kids that giving up is not an option, but ultimately it’s up to them to decide for themselves.
i’ve always believed that i am the master of my own happiness and the master of my own sadness. that i am in complete control of my emotions. i’ve always been good at that… how come it’s so much fuckin harder now.
nobody will ever understand what it’s like.
just some dads w their girls.
there are those days; today is one of them.
control what you can; don’t control what you can’t.